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Mastering Action Scenes: Building a Standout Portfolio for the Animation Industry

Animator, BS KIM

Class Details

  • Beginner~Advanced
  • Total 31 videos
  • Korean
  • English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
  • Class materials included

[Course]animator,bskim_KR Details


In-Depth Look

*The release date of this class, curriculum images, and associated content can be changed without prior notice. ** Class videos may be separated for a more streamlined viewing experience
  • SECTION 01
    • 1. Introduction to the Class- Instructor introduction - Curriculum overview

    • 2. Commercial Animator vs. Solo Animator- Commercial animator: Delving into one genre - Solo animator: Doing it all on your own, from storyboarding to filming - Skills required for each job

  • SECTION 02
    The Anime Production Process
    • 3. Intro to the Anime Production Process- Layouts - Keyframes, cleanups, and supervising and making changes to animations

    • 4. Understanding Real-World Animation Instructions- Filming instructions - How to create a timesheet

    • 5. The Anime Production Process for Solo Animators Making Portfolios- Storyboards - Actions - Filming - Colors - Intro to the process

    • 6. Applying the Basics of Clip Studio Paint- Animation timeline - Layout folders - How to use camerawork

    • 7. Drawing the Human Body as Geometric Shapes- Simplifying as basic shapes - How to draw in perspective - Drawing from various angles

  • SECTION 03
    Basics of Character Animation
    • 8. Timing and Spacing- Timing that emphasizes characters’ movements - Spacing that creates a sense of depth

    • 9. Basic Actions for Character Animation- Creating realistic movements - Exercise on creating impactful actions

    • 10. Creating Hair Blowing in the Wind- Varying the movement based on the angle of wind

    • 11. About Camerawork- Setting up cameras based on characters

    • 12. Various Techniques for Emphasizing Actions- Smears (Exaggeration to emphasize animation) - Slow motion (Adjusting impact using timing) - Impact frames (Leaving a powerful impression using contrasting drawings)

  • SECTION 04
    Basics of Effect Animation
    • 13. Water- Creating water falling due to gravity

    • 14. Smoke- Creating smoke that changes with the wind’s direction

    • 15. Fire- Creating fire spreading out from an explosion

    • 16. Explosion- Designing explosions with effects

    • 17. Fragments- Creating fragments coming from explosions

    • 18. Background Animation- Creating fast-moving, detailed background keyframes

  • SECTION 05
    Filming Basics for Animation
    • 19. Basics of Filming Effects- Basic filming with the essential tools of AE - How to use plugins and adjust opacity - OLM and F.S. plugins

    • 20. Fire and Explosions- Creating realistic fire/explosions through post-correction of light sources

    • 21. Smoke and Electricity- Creating smoke/electricity by adjusting opacity and using texture effects

    • 22. Filming Character Animations Based on Moods- How to composite backgrounds/effects/characters - Post-correction of characters in AE

    • 23. Blur, Color Correction, and Compositing Backgrounds/Effects- Blur, compositing, and correction methods using plugins - How to use OLM and F.S. plugins

  • SECTION 06
    Building Layouts for Real-World Animation
    • 24. Storyboards and Main Rough Drafts- How to create storyboards - Designing screens based on storyboards (main rough drafts)

    • 25. Layout- Adding detailed movements to the designed screen

    • 26. Creating Timesheets- Writing basic filming instructions

    • 27. Creating Keyframes- Cleanups - Drawing movements according to characters’ form - Adding details to shadows and highlights

  • SECTION 07
    Creating an Animation Solo Using Keyframes
    • 28. Creating Backgrounds- Creating backgrounds based on situations - Making skies and clouds

    • 29. The Coloring Process- Coloring characters according to color scripts - Coloring shadows/highlights

    • 30. Filming- Compositing characters, effects, and backgrounds using AE

  • SECTION 08
    • 31. Finishing Up- Preparing a Portfolio - Job Hunting Tips - How to Grow Your X (Twitter) Account - Becoming a Professional Animator - Steps to Join Your Desired Project

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