[Course]3dvideocreator,popurika_포프리카JP Details
In-Depth Look
01. Intro- Instructor introduction - Chapter overview and processes - Blender installation and initial setup
Blender Basics
02. Basic Blender Operations- What you can do with Blender - Basic interface - Changing workspaces
03. Shortcut Settings- Setting shortcuts for improved workflow efficiency - Setting shortcuts in Blender - Shortcut setting examples
04. Basic Principles of Data Blocks- Basic principles of data blocks
Modeling and Rigging
05. Basics of Modeling- What is a polygon? - Mode switching - Origin - Orientation, piviot, snap and software selection - Combining and separating meshes - Modifiers - Sculpting mode - Active and Select - Parent/child relationship (Parent) - Curves - Shapekey - Normals - UV - Color management
06. V-Storyboard- What is a V-storyboard? - V-storyboard in this chapter - Grease pencil basics - [Practice] V-storyboard
07. Basics of Materials in NPR- Difference between Shader and Material - Material assignment - Shader node basics - Basic NPR expressions and enhancement
08. Exercise-Based Character Modeling - Head ①- The beauty of three-dimensionality - Polygon flow - [Practice] Head modeling
09. Exercise-Based Character Modeling - Head ②- [Practice] Hair modeling and material settings
10. Exercise-Based Character Modeling - Head ③- Completing the head
11. Basics of Rigging- Rigging basics - What is an armature object? - Skinning basics - Constraint - Driver
12. Rigging Practice with Auto Rig Pro- Rigging with Auto Rig Pro - [Practice] ARP rigging
13. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ①- Quality design - Animating - A-pose and T-pose - Providing hand meshes - [Practice] Body modeling and rigging
14. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ②- [Practice] Improving upper body quality 1
15. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ③- [Practice] Improving upper body quality 2
16. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ④- [Practice] Creating auxiliary bones for armpits
17. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑤- [Practice] Creating auxiliary bones around the waist
18. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑥- [Practice] Recreating sleeves 1
19. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑦- [Practice] Recreating sleeves 2
20. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑧- [Practice] Adjusting armpits after recreating sleeves
21. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑨- [Practice] Improving hand quality
22. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑩- [Practice] Face rigging 1
23. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑪- [Practice] Face rigging 2
24. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑫- [Practice] Hair rigging
25. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑬- [Practice] Drawing textures and creating additional parts
26. Modeling & Rigging Practice - Body ⑭- [Practice] Creating the inside of the mouth and cables, organizing into data
27. Basics of Animation Systems- Keyframes - Auto key - Graph Editor and Timeline Editor - Actions - Dopesheet and NLA Editor
28. Animation Practice - 3D Layout- What is a 3D layout? - Camera cutting methods - Link and Append - [Practice] 3D layout
29. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ①- Why the character is limited to the desk - Primary and secondary - Various animation techniques - [Practice] Primary animation
30. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ②- [Practice] c04 : Animation control using constraints
31. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ③- [Practice] Up to completion of c04
32. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ④- [Practice] Up to completion of c01 and c02
33. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ⑤- [Practice] Up to completion of c06 and c07
34. Animation Practice - Primary and Secondary ⑥- [Practice] Secondary animation
Background / Effects / Lighting
35. Character Lighting and Material Adjustment ①- [Practice] Character lighting and material adjustment (Part 1)
36. Character Lighting and Material Adjustment ②- [Practice] Character lighting and material adjustment (Part 2)
37. Background Objects and Effects Practice ①- [Practice] Improving the quality of background objects
38. Background Objects and Effects Practice ②- [Practice] Improving the quality of desk items and wall textures
39. Background Objects and Effects Practice ③- [Practice] Improving the quality of cans and monitors
40. Background Objects and Effects Practice ④- [Practice] Improving the quality of cats, plants and water droplets
41. Background Objects and Effects Practice ⑤- [Practice] Up to completion of c04
42. Background Objects and Effects Practice ⑥- [Practice] Up to completion of c01, c02 and c06
43. Background Objects and Effects Practice ⑦- [Practice] Up to completion of c07
44. Basics of Rendering- Two rendering methods - Composit Editor - Scenes and RenderLayer basics - Passes, Cryptmatte and AOV - VSE
45. Compositing Practice ①- [Practice] Creating UI for c03 and 05
46. Compositing Practice ②- [Practice] Editing and adjusting c03 and 05
47. Compositing Practice ③- [Practice] c04 compositing
48. Compositing Practice ④- [Practice] c01 and c02 compositing
49. Compositing Practice ⑤- [Practice] c03, c05 and c06 compositing
50. Compositing Practice ⑥- [Practice] c07 compositing
51. Compositing Practice ⑦- [Practice] Final overall adjustments - Wrapping up