Illustrator,Miryu Details
In-Depth Look
01. Orientation- Introducing your instructor - What you will learn - Helpful websites and software programs - Basic use of Photoshop
Fundamentals of Drawing I
02. Portrait- Portrait ratio & perspective - Facial features perspective
03. Hair- Focusing on hair designs
Fundamentals of Drawing II
04. Body Ratio and Muscle- Body ratio & muscle
05. Movement/Body Gesture- Examining on movement/body gesture
Fundamentals of Drawing III
06. Textures- Metal - Cloth - Leather
07. Briefing and Introduction- Use of character design - Professional perspective on a good character design - Factors affecting your character design concept - Chapters explanation - Introduction to character I & II
Character Design
08. Concept & Reference- Demonstration of the establishment of the concept - Reference picking hacks - Extract elements from reference - Shapes theory
09. Full-Value Drawing- Basic use of full-value drawing skills
10. Color Theory- Color theory - Picking the right color - Showing the coloring process
11. Character Design- Age & gender, body ratio - Character and facial expression - Hair design - Personality, occupation & gender affect the choice of facial features! - Displaying how to create one male and one female character
12. Depictions of Skin and Hair - Skin texture - Hair texture and movement
13. Depictions of Different Texture- Adding details of clothing - Designing weapons
14. Special Effect- Background and frame design
Creation of Illustration
15. Composition1. Perspectives 2. Composition 3. Body gesture design
16. Texture: Nature Element- All About: Tree/grass/flower/rocks/land/mountain/clouds/river
17. Texture: Props/Tools- Transport tools
18. Texture:Wooden House- Designing a house for the background
19. Mood and Atmosphere Building- Layer tool - Color adjustment - Light and shadow
20. Work on Yours- Choosing your reference - How many elements should be included? - What are the steps recommended?
21. Thank You- Thank you speech - Art style advise - Personal drawing tips
22. Career Path Advice- Personal tips of being an artist - Career path suggestion - Game artist advise & experience sharing - Goodbye and goodluck
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