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Anime Meets Classical Art: Detailed Character & Background Illustration

Illustrator, Lux

Class Details

  • Basic
  • Total 21 videos
  • English
  • English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
  • Class materials included

Illustrator,Lux Details


In-Depth Look

  • SECTION 01
    • 01. Orientation- Meet your instructor & learn about the overview of this class - Quick portfolio showcase

  • SECTION 02
    • 02. Workspace Set Up- CSP brief introduction - Setting up your canvas - Favourite tools/brushes/layers modes - Most used shortcuts set up

    • 03. Guide to Idea Creation and Brainstorming- The importance of references to improve - The importance of reference to always have new ideas - Learning from the old masters - Helpful sources and tips to find your references

  • SECTION 03
    Illustration Process: Getting Started
    • 04. What to Draw?- Knowing your characters - Taking inspiration from real life places

    • 05. Thumbnails- The importance of thumbnails - Different ways of creating thumbnails - Practicing with exercises

    • 06. Reference Sheet Set Up- Gathering references for the character you want to draw - Background references - The importance of having a lot of reference, but small size!

  • SECTION 04
    Illustration Process: Sketching
    • 07. Introduction to Fundamentals (Part 1)- Importance of art fundamentals while sketching - Composition basics - Values and contrast

    • 08. Introduction to Fundamentals (Part 2)- Perspective introduction

    • 09. Good Sketching- Layers set up - Efficient Sketch Set Up: Quick lines & shapes - Values set up (black & white sketch) - Colors set up - Tip: Love your sketches like your finished artwork!

  • SECTION 05
    Illustration Process: Base Artwork Set Up
    • 10. Cleaning up Your Sketch: Flow- Improve your flow/composition through details (hair, clothes, objects) - Include texture brushes for a more dynamic sketch

    • 11. Cleaning up Your Sketch: Colors- Adding light and shadows - Color mixing - Color/values adjustments

  • SECTION 06
    Illustration Process: Rendering Your Character
    • 12. Introduction to Rendering- Layers set up - The importance of not zooming in excessively - Paint only the idea of the detail - Importance of contrast between simple and detailed - Checking your values often

    • 13. Character Rendering (Part 1)- Skin/face - The importance of the eyes to focus the attention - Clothes rendering - Studies/examples from references

    • 14. Character Rendering (Part 2)- Hair - Details/accessories - Textures - Examples/studies - How to not lineart your paintings

  • SECTION 07
    Illustration Process: Rendering the Background
    • 15. Painting Buildings and Landscapes- Perspective ruler as a guide - Creating textures with brushes and photographs - Aerial perspective

    • 16. Foreground Elements- Foreground elements to enrich your composition and dynamic - Depth of field

  • SECTION 08
    Illustration Process: Final Adjustments
    • 17. Character Adjustments- Liquify tool - Merging characters with the background - Texture brushes

    • 18. Final Fixes- Adjusting colors and values to enhance the focal point of the artwork - Adding some more textures and filters!

  • SECTION 09
    • 19. Art Journey Story- All about my personal art journey

    • 20. Tips for a Consistent Art Routine- How to improve - How to find your style - How to deal with mistakes/blocks - Enjoy the process, do not think about the final result only!

    • 21. Goodbye- Goodbye and good luck

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