[Dictionary]illustrator,justineflorentino Details
In-Depth Look
01. Orientation - Meet your instructor and learn about the overview of this class - Workspace setting (mainly tools & software)
02. Understanding Portraiture- What makes a portrait different from other art forms? - Basic anatomy of the face
03. Using and Gathering Reference- Showing best examples of references to use & how to use
04. Drawing- Demo gesture studies - Drawing quick 2-minute gesture drawings for improvement
05. Warm-Ups- Doing warm-ups to start - Painting warm-ups (but not too detailed!)
Painting Concepts
06. Brushes- Explaining about brush strokes and brush economy - Showing ways to use the brush
07. Basic Composition- Talking about compositions for portrait artists using brushes - Thumbnail exercise
08. Preparing Your Canvas- Studying about canvas size, the color of canvas, and painting the canvas before drawing
09. Alla Prima and Painting Digitally with a Traditional Mindset- Introducing and demo the concept of "Alla Prima" or painting in one sitting, a traditional way of painting, and applying them to the digital medium
10. Values Are King- Exploring the concept of values
11. Concept of Squinting- Learning about squinting your eyes to simplify the reference
12. Identifying Shadows- Showing how to indentify shadow parts of a image
13. Light Sources- Understanding types of light sources
14. Translating Colored Reference Into Black and White- Demo of referencing colored images & painting them in black and white or just in values
15. Color Theory- Introducing the concept of color theory
16. Picking Color- Describing how to pick colors from the color wheel & other digital ways of choosing color
17. Color Harmonies- Everything about color harmonies! - Analogous - Complementary - Split complementary
18. Color Relativity- Concept of color relativity
19. Painting from Black and White Translating to Color- Demo of using black and white image & painting it in colors
Head, Facial Features, and Hair
20. Head Structure- Showing how to start the head structure
21. Relationships Between the Features- Continuing with the head structure & show distances and ratios of the facial features - Relativity of proportions
22. Painting the Features- Painting the facial features based on the reference - Eyes - Nose - Mouth
23. Hair and Flow- Adding in hair and showing how flow improves the image - Blocking in the bigger shapes of hair - Painting hair like ribbons
Finishing the Portrait
24. Focal Point- Continuing to use images from the last chapter - Showing how the artist can lead the viewer into certain focal points of the face
25. Detail and Sharpness- Defining how detailing and sharpening certain areas affect the portrait
26. Edges - Breaking down the concept of edges
27. Style and Flair- Indicating how an artist can add their own style to any portrait and have a personal flair
28. When Do You Know When You Are Finished?- Figuring out how an artist knows when they are done with the piece of art
From Observation to Creation
29. Applying What You Have Learned- What we have learned & how to apply them moving forward
30. Gathering Character Inspiration and Reference- Gathering inspiration from any source
31. Character Design- Concepts for designing your own character - Sketching your character based on description
32. Character Unique Features and Traits- Examining on how to make your character unique (via features and special traits)
33. Character Portrait Objective- How would you like the character to be presented & how would you like the viewer to think of them? - Continuing on the sketching process
Original Character Portrait
34. Sketching Thumbnails and Color Tests- Creating the thumbnails based on ideas and sketches you have done
35. Refinement of the Chosen Thumbnail- Refining the sketch that has been chosen
36. Drawing and Structure- Making sure the drawing is refinined enough as to not leave more questions for ourselves when painting
37. Painting- Painting in the facial features
38. Finishing Touches- Finishing the character portrait
39. My Artist Journey - Sharing personal milestones and challenges in becoming a professional artist - Reflecting on the growth and lessons learned throughout the journey - Offering advice for aspiring artists based on real-world experiences
40. Advice and Final Words- Career advice for learning artists - Steps they can take to establish themselves in the industry