[Course]mangaartist,sato_사토KR Details
In-Depth Look
Practicing the Basics
1. Prologue- Instructor introduction - How can you make your debut as a manga artist? - A brief look at the curriculum and the class’s direction
2. [Basics] Line Art Basics to Create Immersive Drawings- About the width of lines (outlines, depiction lines) - Hatching - Drawing simple objects: cups, bowls
3. [Advanced] Drawing a Panel Using Line Art- Drawing a panel using the basic skills from Chapter 2
4. [Basics] Screentones and Ink- About types of screentones and cutting screentones - How are ink and lines used in manuscripts? - Applying the theory to objects
5. [Advanced] Screentones and Ink- Adding screentones and ink to the panel you made in Chapter 3 - Creating your own black and white and balanced screentones
6. [Basics] Drawing Backgrounds Using Tools: SketchUp, 3D Tools, Photos, Tracing- Drawing 3D backgrounds using SketchUp - Drawing backgrounds using photos
7. [Advanced] Drawing Backgrounds in Perspective- Drawing backgrounds in forced perspective by moving the angle of view
8. Drawing a Panel Applying the Basics- Drawing a character-centered panel - Drawing a background-centered panel
9. [Break] Making Your Debut as a Manga Artist in Japan- Introducing the path to debut - Finding the magazine that suits your manga style - How each magazine selects their “New Artist Award” winners
Reverse-Analysis of Directing in Mangas and Practice
10. Basics of Manga Directing- Based on panels - Based on pages - Based on two pages - Based on scenes - Based on episodes
11. Counter-Analyzing Directing 1: Examining Sato’s “The Stepfather’s Son”- Examining practical directing in Sato’s “The Stepfather’s Son”
12. Counter-Analyzing Directing 2: Examining Sato’s “Fierce Love”- Examining practical directing in Sato’s “Fierce Love”
13. [Practice] Developing Panel Manga- Drawing 4-panel mangas - Developing 4-panel mangas to 8-panel, 12-panel mangas
14. [Break] How to Study Manga- How to study drawing manga - How to study directing manga - Book recommendations
Advanced Directing and Drawing 8-Panel Manga
15. Advanced Cartoon Directing- Tips for directing action scenes, the most difficult part - Tips for directing long dialogue scenes
16. Drawing 8-Page Manga 1: Plan, Story, Storyboard- Planning manga - What kind of story do you want to tell? - Drawing a storyboard - A professional’s tips for planning manga in real time
17. Drawing 8-Page Manga 2: Tracing Pen Lines- Applying line tracing techniques in practice
18. Drawing 8-Page Manga 3: Drawing Backgrounds- Applying background drawing techniques in practice
Editing Manga into the Webtoon Style and Finishing Up
19. Drawing in the Manga Style and Editing into the Webtoon Style- Editing the 8-page manga from Section 3 into the webtoon style
20. What Makes a Fun Manga?- “Fun manga” for readers and “fun manga” for creators - What does “fun” mean? - Who am “I”?
21. Publishing Manga in Japan as a Foreigner- Types of manga - Publishing manga in Japan as a foreigner
22. Outro and Q&A- FAQs from students - Conclusion