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From Hobbyist to Professional: Enter the World of Advanced 3D Anime Character Modeling

3D Studio, 108FanStudio

Class Details

  • Basic~Advanced
  • Total 43 videos
  • English
  • English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
  • Class materials included

[Dictionary]3dstudio,108fanstudio Details


In-Depth Look

*The release date of this class, curriculum images, and associated content can be changed without prior notice. ** Class videos may be separated for a more streamlined viewing experience
  • SECTION 01
    • 01. Orientation- Introducing your instructor - What you will learn - Helpful websites and software programs

  • SECTION 02
    Three Views
    • 02. Note- Observing reference images, materials, and much more!

    • 03. Completing Three Views- Understanding of design & how to create three views suitable for 3D modeling

    • 04. Adding Some Details- Polishing the drawing

    • 05. Put into Practice- Illustrations with separated layers

  • SECTION 03
    Maya Basic Modeling
    • 06. Reason for Using Maya- Brief pros and cons of Maya, Max, and Blender - But why is it Maya?

    • 07. Maya Modeling Basics- Demonstrating common modeling, selection tools

    • 08. Setting up Shortcuts- Suggested shortcuts for modeling that will be used in the course

    • 09. Suggested Plugins- Suggested plugins that can speed up the modeling workflow (most can be done with built-in tools) - How to install

  • SECTION 04
    Maya Advanced Modeling
    • 10. Blocking out the Face- Defining the larger form of the head

    • 11. Creating the Facial Features- Modeling the brows, eyes, nose, mouth, and more!

    • 12. Polishing the Face- Finalizing the face model

    • 13. Investigating the Hair- Explaining what makes a professional hair in both form and topology

    • 14. Modeling the Hair (Part 2)- Modeling the front & side hair

    • 15. Modeling the Hair (Part 3)- Modeling the back hair

    • 16. Body Fundamentals- Analyzing the structure & topology of the body - Blocking the structure

    • 17. Polishing the Body- Be aware of the form & preserve good edge flow for deformation - Polishing the body

    • 18. Modeling the Clothes- Modeling tight clothes - Modeling loose clothes - Modeling the props

  • SECTION 05
    Introduction to Anime Style Texturing
    • 19. Installation: Setting up Plugins and Shortcuts, Importing Models to Respective Software- Installing Blender & Plugins, working with settings - Installing Photoshop, working with settings - Installing Substance Painter & Plugins, working with settings

    • 20. Introduction to Substance Painter and Changing Settings- Knowing all the necessary features from Substance Painter

    • 21. Basic Coloring of Texture: Locating Our Shadows- Using Substance Painter in real-world practices - Exporting your textures to Photoshop

    • 22. Quick Review of the Necessary Features in Photoshop- Learning all the necessary features from Photoshop

    • 23. Final Touch: Getting the Details Done- Using Photoshop in real-world practices

    • 24. Special Effects: Alpha Transparency, Speck Mask, and More!- Adding a touch of sparkle with a transparent alpha channel - Shinning effects

    • 25. Bonus: Procedures of SDF Map for Face Shadow- Creating SDF map for face shadow

  • SECTION 06
    Texturing Exercise Based on Different Parts of the Character
    • 26. Face- Using all of your acquired skills in the face texture

    • 27. Hair- Using all of your acquired skills in the hair texture

    • 28. Clothes- Using all of your acquired skills in the clothes texture

    • 29. Other- Using all of your acquired skills in the other parts of texture

    • 30. Tips on Fixing Jagged Edges from Substance Painter- Fixing jagged edges from Substance Painter

  • SECTION 07
    Maya Rigging and Blendshapes
    • 31. Creating the Rig- Joint placement, joint orientation, naming convention, mirror joints, and more!

    • 32. Skinning (Part 1)- Few Ways to Skinning: Brush, select vertex assign, and more!

    • 33. Skinning (Part 2)1. Skinning part 2: Select Vertex assign+

    • 34. Creating Blendshapes (Part 1)- Creating the facial capture blendshapes - Creating viseme - Creating interesting blendshapes for toggles

    • 35. Creating Blendshapes (Part 2)1. Create interesting Blendshapes for toggles

    • 36. Advanced Blendshapes Techniques- Fixing unwanted vertex movements - Doing additive blendshapes - Inbetween blendshapes - Combine, extract, and topology change after blendshapes are done (Blender)

  • SECTION 08
    VRM Techniques
    • 37. Unity Project Preparation- Importing necessary plugins - Suggesting file structure & naming

    • 38. VRM Basic Flow- FBX import settings - Materials settings - Physics setup - VRM blendshape proxy - Exporting the VRM file

    • 39. Advanced VRM Techniques- Updating the FBX for fixes - VRM Blendshape Proxy: Reuse, swap, material change - Doing outfit toggle

    • 40. Testing the VRM- Testing the VRM file in Warudo - Going back and forth improving the file until clients are satisfied!

  • SECTION 09
    Warudo Mod Building
    • 41. Introduction to Warudo Mod- Reasons for using Warudo mod

    • 42. Unity Project Preparation- Importing necessary plugins - Settings to be changed

    • 43. Warudo MOD Workflow- FBX import settings - Tuning materials with different shaders - Use of magica cloth for better physics - Mod settings - Building mod - Testing with Warudo

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