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1 Minute Animation Film-Making: Storytelling Through Everyday Experiences

2D Animation Team, Icikiwir Productions

Class Details

  • Beginner~Basic
  • Total 31 videos
  • English
  • English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
  • Class materials included

[Course]2danimationteam,icikiwirproductions Details


In-Depth Look

  • SECTION 01
    • 01. Orientation- Meet your instructors and learn about the overview of this class - Helpful resources and alternative softwares

  • SECTION 02
    • 02. What Makes a Great Animation vs Good Animation- What makes renowned filmmakers' works special - How animation can convey emotions and meaning to audiences - Understanding the type of animation we want to make

    • 03. The Fundamentals of Storytelling- Basics of making a logline and premises - Themes, genres, and concepts - Story structure basics - Story Structure #1: The Hero's Journey - Story Structure #2: The Five Stages of Grief - Story Structure #3: Three Act

    • 04. Starting an Idea (Creative Process)Discussion topics: - How to not limit yourself - The importance of observing and experiencing the world around you - Turning simple things into ideas Visuals: - Sketching out story ideas through thumbnails, rough concepts and designs - Making a visual journal

    • 05. The Importance of Research- How accuracy and authenticity can contribute to the story's depth and complexity - How accuracy and authenticity can deepen your understanding of the story - The risks of having no research

    • 06. Introducing the Basic Animation Pipeline- The basics of pre-production, production, and post-production - Roles in indie productions and dividing workloads - Arranging resources from pre-production materials - The basics of a shotlist - The basics of making a production timeline - The importance of file management

  • SECTION 03
    • 07. Basics of Film Script- Key elements in basic script writing - Basic script format example and making - "Show don't tell" - Avoiding unnecessary dialogue and descriptions - Using strong characters - Pacing

    • 08. Visual Development- Gathering images, textures, and references that align with your ideas - Developing and alternating concepts - Sketching out final looks

    • 09. Character Design: The Basic Principles of Character Designing- The basic principles of character design - The three-dimensional character: psychology, physiology, and sociology

    • 10. Character Design: Different Shapes and Sizes- How simple shapes can accentuate the character's silhouette and the viewer's perception - Picking colours and colour theory

    • 11. Character Design: The Output- Introducing the format of a proper animation character sheet

    • 12. Environment Design: The Basic Principles of Environment Design- The basic principles of environment designs - Concepting time, setting, and place

    • 13. Environment Design: Concepting- Mapping out the floorplan - Interior and exterior

    • 14. Environment Design: Output-The proper format of an animation environment sheet and guide

    • 15. Basics of Storyboarding- Thumbnail sketches - Camera angles and movement - How to make the appearance and expressions of characters consistent - How to make environments and objects clear - The benefits of storyboarding - Tips and tricks

    • 16. Making a Colour Script- Setting up each pallete based on the board - Understanding each mood and colour - Colour theory

    • 17. Making an Animatic- Set up the shotlist based on the storyboard - Set up sequence shots based on the script - Timing and pacing - Sync audio - Screenings

  • SECTION 04
    • 18. Animation Layouting- The basics of Toonboom Harmony - Setting up layouts for cuts based on the storyboard

    • 19. First Pass of Rough Animation- Rough animation demonstration - Tips on principles of animation

    • 20. Rough Animation Tiedowns- Tiedown demonstration - Tips for keeping your animation solid

    • 21. Animation Keyframes- The importance of keyframes for keeping a solid animation - Keyframe timing tips and tricks

    • 22. Animation In-Betweens- In-between tips and tricks

    • 23. Animation Cleanup- Tips for cleaning up

    • 24. Animation Colouring- Toonboom tips for colouring

    • 25. Background Sketching- Sketching backgrounds based on layouts

    • 26. Background Cleanup- Cleaning the sketch for a clearer image

    • 27. Background Render- Rendering the background image

  • SECTION 05
    • 28. Setting up Rough Cuts- Exporting your cuts from Toonboom - The basics of arranging cuts in After Effects

    • 29. Basic Compositing in After Effects- Introduction to presets and basic effects you can use

    • 30. Colour Grading in After Effects- Improving colours in post-production

  • SECTION 06
    Bonus Chapter
    • 31. Working as an Indie Production House: Distribution, Work Ethics, and Time Management- Distribution options - What are film festivals? - Merchandising and social media - Excelling in communication and conflict resolution - Work ethic - Buffers - Knowing who and what you are working with

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