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Bring Your Illustrations to Life: 2D Animation with AE

2D Animator, MiuA

Class Details

  • Basic~Advanced
  • Total 24 videos
  • English
  • English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
  • Class materials included

[Course]2danimator,miua Details


In-Depth Look

**Class release dates and content are subject to change without prior notice.
  • SECTION 01
    Hello, I'm Miu!
    • 01. Orientation- Introducing your instructor - What you will learn - Preparation advice (Capable laptop, drawing device, software, suggestion where to learn the basic knowledge for beginners)

  • SECTION 02
    First Things First: Let’s Start Drawing!
    • 02. Introducing to the Workflow- Quick preview of the workflow - Drafting (thumbnailing, rough idea) - Sketching (rough lineart, base color) - Drawing assets (linearting including assets separation, coloring, retouching) - Assets preparation (tidying layer, color grading, renaming) - Animation (assets arrangement, key poses, timing, finalizing) - Rendering

    • 03. Visualize Your Idea- Making movement thumbnail based on your rough idea - Deciding which scene to be drawn

    • 04. Assets Drawing: Introduction- Comparison of asset separation technique - Explanation about void filling - Deciding which one to separate

    • 05. Assets Drawing (Part 1)- Drawing lineart based on the tidy sketch - Preparing base color for each lineart - Explaining how to make seamless color - Coloring each asset

    • 06. Assets Drawing (Part 2)- Drawing lineart based on the tidy sketch - Preparing base color for each lineart - Explaining how to make seamless color - Coloring each asset

    • 07. Assets Drawing (Part 3)- Drawing lineart based on the tidy sketch - Preparing base color for each lineart - Explaining how to make seamless color - Coloring each asset

    • 08. Final Retouch and Adding Details- Reviewing what we have illustrated - Final adjustments - Homework: Try developing your own style

  • SECTION 03
    Time to Get Ready: Prep Everything We’ll Need
    • 09. Organizing Your Assets- Moving the illustration file to your laptop - Adding final touch (fix layer position, clean up the asset's bound box, rename the layer, add color effect) - Exporting reference layer - Re-arranging the assets rotation and delete unused feature

    • 10. Importance of Assets Preparation- Deciding duration and FPS - Showing how to move PSD files to AE - Explaining how PSD files affect the AE files real-time - Foldering (PSD) vs Composition (AE) - Clipping mask (PSD) vs Track Matte (AE) - Converting color grading layer to LUT - Intermezzo: Add and linear dodge

  • SECTION 04
    For Beginners: Learn the Basics, It’s the Foundation!
    • 11. Basic After Effect Explanation- What is Transform and Keyframe? - What is the Parenting, Null, and Adjustment layer? - Comparing deformer tools (Puppet tool, CC Bend it, Mesh Warp, Liquify, Turbulent Displace) - What is Turbulent Noise?

    • 12. Understanding Animation Principal- Importance of key pose - Ease in or out (graph editor) - Squash and stretch - Follow through and overlapping

    • 13. Arranging the Assets- Arranging the comp and mask - Adjusting the pivot point - Adding parenting to the layer

    • 14. Understanding Parallax- What is parallax? - Adding this effect to the previous animation (arrange position and deforming) - Practicing on your own

  • SECTION 05
    Let’s Level Up: Dive Into Complex Animation!
    • 15. Animation Part 1: Face- Arranging the asset position - Deforming each asset

    • 16. Animation Part 2: Hair- Arranging the asset position - Deforming each asset

    • 17. Animation Part 3: Body and Hands- Arranging the asset position - Deforming each asset

    • 18. Animation Part 4: Accessories- Arranging the asset position - Deforming each asset - Adding shine effect

    • 19. Animation Part 5: Making Eye Blink and Open-Close on Mouth- Animating eyes blink - Animating mouth open and closing

    • 20. Animation Part 6: Arranging Keyframe Timing and Adding Overlapping Animation- Arranging timing - Adding keyframe - Editing graph editor

    • 21. Animation Part 7: Final Touch- Adding focus and blur - Adding shine effect - Adding parallax effect

    • 22. Rendering- Brief explanation of some video files - Step-by-step rendering - Application Practice: The animation on your own artwork

  • SECTION 06
    Wrapping It Up: Closure and Bonus
    • 23. What to Do in the Animation Field- Summary and conclusion - Talking about mindset - Gaining profit using your animation ability

    • 24. Practice Making Illusion of 3D on Several Objects!- Rotation on lollipop - Rotation on the drink can - Rotation on wind chimes - Rotation on accessories

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Important Notice

- This product provides access to the video lectures online (Excluding products categorized as Assets). - Under certain circumstances, discounts may end early or be extended without prior notice. - For pre-ordered courses, the content and the lecture videos will be released sequentially according to the schedule. The Course Start Date will be set to the release date of the first lecture video. - You will gain immediate access to the course through My Page upon completing registration and payment. Total Course Duration: - The Standard Access (Paid access) period lasts for the first 15 days and Unlimited Free Access period will begin from the 16th day. Both the Standard and Unlimited Free Access periods offer the equal viewing experience to the content. - Course Start Date: The estimation of the Course Start Date will be based on the completion date of the payment. Immediate access to the lecture videos will be granted through My Page. (For pre-ordered courses, the start date will be the release date of the first lecture video.) - In case the course start date is postponed due to extenuating circumstances on Coloso’s end, the start date will be adjusted accordingly.
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